Who is this for?

Anybody working for the oil and gas industry who wishes to communicate, educate and engage family, friends or the wider communicate on matters surrounds hydrocarbons will appreciate this talk. Middle to senior management will also find many of the insights useful in crafting more effective public outreach strategies.

Bronwyn Camac

President of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

"An excellent mini-course. It was an interesting, insightful and enthusiastic presentation explaining why and how we can improve our ability to engage and effectively communicate with others working in the oil & gas industry, potential future geoscientists, and of course those interested in climate change. PESA actively endorses Dr Mort's Practical Geocommunication course and believes our association with Geologize provides our members with this unique educational opportunity.


This mini-course covers the following topics and includes a 15 minute question and answer session.

  • The fundamentals of effective communication

  • Current outreach strategies and why they are mostly ineffective

  • How and why the public see the O&G the way they do

  • Effective and ineffective social media platforms and strategies

  • Multiple strategies to garner trust and respect from your target wider audience

Pedagogically grounded

All of Geologize's courses are designed to ensures the learner goes away feeling empowered to make a real difference.

  • Reflection

    Structured time is given to reflect on the learning to ensure it relates to your professional context and expertise.

  • Scaffolding

    Guided activities help consolidate the learning and make the content more meaningful.

  • Differentiation

    Activities are differentiated according to the perspective of the learner, providing a more organic learning experience.

Free Bonus Content

Geologize's AAPG Europe presentation, 'Outreach in the Geosciences' is included in this purchase. It is jammed packed with additional content and tips that will compliment the PESA talk. An additional 30 minute Q&A session is also included.

Certificate Included

Upon completion of this webinar and activities, you will be provided with a certificate that you can share on LinkedIn and your professional network.

Start making a difference today!